Friday, September 30, 2011

Signs of Aging

1. I wear glasses now

2. I hurt the day or days after I play ball

3. I detest loud music, sagging britches and loud motorcycles

4. I refer to pants as britches

5. I understand that people who shop at Dollar Store (even for clothes) aren't poor they just don't want to
    spend the money they have :)

6. I dream about taking naps

7. My nose hair is getting obvious because it is longer than my nose

8. When I get my hair cut she also trims my brows

9. I am slower than I once was

10. When I go visit folks in the nursing home I find myself thinking, "this really is a nice place to live."

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... by #1, I've been doing that since I was 11, so I guess it's not a sign for me.

    By #2, I don't... so I'm still young.

    By #3, I kind've want a motorcycle one day.

    By #4, I don't refer to them as such.

    By #5, I've always shopped there for the same reason.

    By #6, I've never done so.

    By #7, I haven't yet experienced this.

    By #8, Never had that happen either.

    By #9, I might actually be speeding up... hmmm

    By #10, I think you are crazy for this one.

    So if we use this as a litmus test, I'm still young. Thanks for cheering me up Bro. Grandpa. Just don't forget to come back for me after the 7 years.
