Friday, September 30, 2011

Signs of Aging

1. I wear glasses now

2. I hurt the day or days after I play ball

3. I detest loud music, sagging britches and loud motorcycles

4. I refer to pants as britches

5. I understand that people who shop at Dollar Store (even for clothes) aren't poor they just don't want to
    spend the money they have :)

6. I dream about taking naps

7. My nose hair is getting obvious because it is longer than my nose

8. When I get my hair cut she also trims my brows

9. I am slower than I once was

10. When I go visit folks in the nursing home I find myself thinking, "this really is a nice place to live."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Papaw Said...

I have the greatest "job" on earth. When I was 15 years old I announced the calling of God in my life to become a preacher. (Remember the following statement for later)My grandfather once told me that there is a difference in a man announcing his call to preach and him actually surrendering to that call. I announced my call on July 8, 2000.God used me. I traveled many miles and preached at many places. Seems like every Sunday I was somewhere preaching. Then there were revivals from time to time and other special events. I had many ups and downs in my life following this announcement. I lived for God now and then but mainly did whatever I wanted to do. Everything was about me. Yes, I was preaching but not wholeheartedly. Do I expect to answer to God for that one day? Absolutely! Anything I can do about the past now? Nope. While living this self-centered, worldly life God reminded me often, even daily, of His calling in my life. God never left me. The calling of God never lifted off of me. I wasn't living like I was created to live. I wasn't meeting the calling which God had given me. He counted me worthy and placed me in the ministry, yet I took it lightly and disregarded his call. I had announced but I had not surrendered!

In 2004 God grabbed my attention and focused it on Him. He allowed me to get myself in a series of circumstances of which only He could get me out. He let me get myself to a place where the only way to look was up. He used many ways and many people to get me where I needed to be with him. Some of those ways I didn't like, but I thank God He cared enough to get my attention. I was in a "me lifestyle" of which I never should have been a part. Everything was about me and what I wanted to do. Believe me I know exactly how horrible of a person this sounds like. You mean you preached in churches but weren't living for God? Yes. You often times put on a front? Yes. I was that guy. I am not proud of it but that is the fact. Many probably thought all was good when in all actuality all was far from good. Far from God would be more like it. I never doubted what God wanted me to do, but it sure didn't match my plans. So I appeased the flesh and soothed the conscience. That's right...Announced but didn't surrender.

Remember the saying my grandfather told me? Well, 2004 was when I proved my grandpa right. I had announced my calling in 2000 but I didn't fully surrender until 2004. It was that year that God opened a life changing door to someone who did NOT deserve it, me! He allowed me the awesome privilege to serve as youth/associate pastor of Eastside Baptist in Minden, LA. I never knew how much that church family, her pastor and those children would change/impact my life. Bro. Richard Methvin (the pastor) was upfront, honest and harsh when necessary. He scolded me, taught me, rewarded me and prayed with me. Today he is a father in the ministry to me and a best friend. God's blessings began to flow when I decided to surrender to His call and live an honest, dedicated, God-centered life. Just when I thought it couldn't get better, it did. God gave me a woman. Beautiful, funny, loving, kind, caring and forgiving doesn't even begin to describe this woman. She was all these and more, but one thing she didn't deal with was my old life or the people who wanted me to stay in it. She laid the law down to me, them and anyone else who got in the way. She wasn't possessive, jealous or crazy in any way. She loved me! She knew God put us together to be one and she wouldn't let Satan mess it up. I remember one night specifically when we stayed up until 3am so I could sit and tell her about all the bad things I had done, poor decisions I had made and messes I had gotten myself into. I knew for sure she would be gone after that night. However, she loved me, listened to me and has never held one thing against me. That night was the last night we talked about many of those things. To her they were my past and she was willing to let them stay there, in the past. God gave me a woman to help me understand my grandpa's saying. Between her, Bro. Richard, my family, church family and the kiddos God gave me in the Eastside youth I finally understood it was time to surrender. I enrolled in seminary that year. In 2005 I married the woman who I say "God used to save my life and ministry." God has been so good to allow me the privilege to live, learn and change.

God has brought us so far since then. I say us because as of November 19, 2005 me and momma became one flesh and there isn't a me anymore. It's us from then on...We worked at Eastside 2 years, Calvary Baptist in Hamburg for 2 years and Calvary Baptist in Magnolia for going on 4 years now. I graduated 5 years of seminary 2009. He has been faithful through it all. We have the 2 beautiful, healthy children and more CBC family and friends than I can name. I apologize to my Lord often for failing Him for so long. I tell Him I am sorry for Announcing the Call but not Surrendering to it. He has forgiven me and I can't stop praising Him for it.

Again, I have the greatest "job" on earth. It really isn't a job. It is a calling of God. A calling which I didn't appreciate for about 4 years but one I wouldn't trade for all the world now. There are ups and downs. Fun times and times like today when I talked to a lady about her husband's cancer which might soon take his earthly life. The blessings of God, however, always dim the view of the bad times. Some see this as a job but it isn't. The calling to preach the gospel is the highest calling on earth. It isn't extended to every man but it is extended to some unlikely candidates like myself. I am not any more special than anyone else. I don't know why God would or how he could use someone like me to bring Him glory and care for His people. I am glad He gave me the time to experience what it is like to surrender to His calling though. I have so much to improve on as a preacher/pastor. The road ahead is long and there will be many twists and turns, but we won't travel it alone. Thank God, He won't leave us! With the high calling comes high responsibilities. Much has been given and much is required, so pray for me. Pray for all men of God! Pray we will surrender and stay that way! I'm not sure if anyone will read this but if so and if you are where I was, know this, God won't stop calling, so you better start listening!

Loving God and His People!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hunting Seasoning

That's right! I am hunting seasoning some things. What's that mean? Well I took the bed cover off of my truck so that I can fit larger items (like deer with huge horns) in the back. I put rope, ratchet straps, tools, etc in there. The day is soon coming that we will be allowed to arise, kill and eat! I have gotten out my boots. I've made sure my back pack has all essentials in it. I am going to take camo clothing inventory. This is all part of "hunting seasoning." It's just what a man does to get all things prepared for the big day!

Probably the most exciting part about hunting season this year is that Walker is chomping at the bit to get in the stand. That makes me happy! I love being a dad and so thankful for my dad and grandpas. Thankful for their willingness to take me in the woods and teach me about the outdoors that God created for us to enjoy.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

She did it!

JULIE WENT TO THE WOODS WITH US!!! We just got back in from out outing to the deer lease. You read it right too. Julie went with us! Me and the kiddos loved it and I think Julie did too. She is such an awesome mom and wife. God has given us a beautiful day and beautiful family. I could not think of anything I would rather be doing than enjoying God's creation, both family and nature. Have I said lately how blessed and undeserving I am? Well, I AM!

Friday, September 23, 2011

We will see...

This morning I told Walker that if he had a good day (as in the entire day) I would take him to the woods with me tomorrow to ride the 4 wheeler and check my camera. Tatum said, "Oh me and mommy are going too, daddy." Lol. Julie, go to the woods???

:) We will see...


Julie had to leave out very early this morning for a business trip towards North AR. So, that leaves me to take the kiddos to school. It was a typical morning. Nothing to exciting. Walker got to dress up like a cow (thanks for the costume Meggers) today for "Farm Animal" day. He was upset at first because he wanted to be a cowboy instead of a cow. After me explaining a few times that a cowboy is not a farm animal he finally gave in and wore the ears and all.

Anyway, the awesome part...Walker still gives me a kiss when I drop him off at school. Even in the hall or classroom when all his friends are around. He doesn't care about the cool factor yet. I know it's coming but for now I think it's awesome that he understands that it's okay for dads to show affection. If our kiddos grow up to know anything in this world about their dad I pray it would be this...That I loved God, their momma and them!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fat Fees

I bought life insurance today! Turns out they will most likely charge me above the regular rate because I'm fat. I'm use to this. The same fee was applied to my health insurance. It is also applied to my clothes I buy. It seems as if I would have gotten the hint by now that if I don't lose weight they will keep hitting my pocket book.

I guess this brings me to a decision. Cry discrimination and get mad about their fees or lose weight, be healthy and live longer with my family. Hmmm...



Living Right :)

I hunt in a deer lease in 3 creeks. If you aren't from or familiar with this area you probably couldn't get there. Anyway, we went to do a little work on the lease this morning. Cut some trees, moved a stand, put out cameras and tilled some places for food plots. You are probably thinking, "You planted something with expectations of it to grow." Ha! I don't blame you because it hasn't rained in forever. I told the guys that I planted this AM with faith. I just sat down at the house and what did I hear? That's right. Rain drops on the porch cover. Looked at the radar and there is a front in Texarkana moving this way! Well...Somebody is living right I guess! :)

Let's just pray I'm living right enough for it to rain East of here on those food plots! Lol

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I took Walker to his well check today. He is growing and going great. Super healthy (Thank the Lord) and wild as ever. He does, however, talk like a baby when he gets nervous. The nurse came in to check his developmental progress. She asked if he knew a song and he busted out in some baby voice goo goo gah gah version of "Jesus Loves Me." Wow! I was like oh no he really doesn't talk like that. Thank goodness our pediatrician goes to our church and knows he talks normal. Wooo! That kid cracks me up. When we left he reverted back to normalcy and grew up again. Lol.

We had some time to spend after the visit before he went to tumbling. So, we went over to the MBSF center. We played "paddle ball" aka ping pong. He ate some doritos and watched Phineas and Ferb then we headed off to tumbling. He is a one of a kind and I thank God for him. Love spending time together even if it's making Dr. visits.

CT Townsend - I have been blessed

This is a great song! Powerful call to remember our blessings! Please listen!

Julie made me do it!

I have a beautiful, loving, forgiving, kind and compassionate wife. God gave her to me! I thank God for her because I know that I am undeserving of all blessings but especially her. She has rescued me from the lowest of low in my life. She has prayed for me and with me. She has stood beside me when battle was raging and was still there when God put us on the mountain top. She has never once pressured me about being in the ministry or ministry related things. She has taught me to grow up, take responsibility and tell the truth even if it hurts. She has taught me not to judge or hold grudges but forgive and be blessed as the merciful. She even forgives me when I bring home missionaries, preachers or other friends from foreign countries to live with us for months at a time. She has challenged me study more, learn more and become more for our Lord. She is the smartest woman I know. As the Nascar praying preacher said, "thank you Lord for my smokin hott wife." Ha! There is no doubt in my mind that I have much to improve upon in my life. I fail often! But, I would hate to know where I would be without Julie Walker Carter as my wife. It is very true that there is one woman on this earth that could stand to be married to me and thank God, I got her.

We love to keep other people humored and one way we do that is by living our life in a glass house. Not literally! Part of being a pastor is understanding that from time to time people are going to pry, snoop or be just down right nosey. We don't let em...As in people don't have to do that with us. Sure, we have private family matters like all families but for the most part we live our life openly. We share our blessings with others as we have been taught by those who God has put in our lives. We have arguments and most of the time they are on Facebook or some other public domain. You might not think this is good but just let me say that if it's something serious be assured you won't see it public. Me and momma handle serious things in a serious way but want our friend and family to know we are normal folks. We have spats like my grandparents who have been married 50+ years and most of them are just as humorous, so we share them. We have been known to text each other while being in the same house or vehicle. Julie hates when I do it so if she gets on my nerves I make sure I text her while sitting next to her. Haha! 

I love my wife. When we got married I called her "momma." She hated it! She always said, "we don't have children so don't call me momma." Well, now we have 2 and I have the right to call her "momma." Speaking of the children, they have a wonderful mother who loves them and cares for them like none other. She is a godly example to them. She doesn't excuse the misbehavior and she always rewards them for the good. Somehow my wife found a way to be a child of God, wife, mother, teacher and graduate student. She keeps it all balanced and still loves our babies. I have often said that it is a great thing I married such a smart woman, because had I married someone with my brains we couldn't have helped our kiddos with their homework. Ha!

Anyway, In the midst of all we do in this rat race of life, Julie has found time to blog. So, I figured I would fire up the ol blog again too. This way we can share our life together on here as well as Facebook. This should be fun for all readers. Remember, when me and momma fuss back and forth it's not serious or we wouldn't be putting public. Follow her blog too at 

Wow! Thanks for reading all of this. Turned out to be more than I expected but I didn't even scratch the surface of how blessed I am to have Julie as my wife, Walker and Tatum as children or Calvary as my church.