Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Julie made me do it!

I have a beautiful, loving, forgiving, kind and compassionate wife. God gave her to me! I thank God for her because I know that I am undeserving of all blessings but especially her. She has rescued me from the lowest of low in my life. She has prayed for me and with me. She has stood beside me when battle was raging and was still there when God put us on the mountain top. She has never once pressured me about being in the ministry or ministry related things. She has taught me to grow up, take responsibility and tell the truth even if it hurts. She has taught me not to judge or hold grudges but forgive and be blessed as the merciful. She even forgives me when I bring home missionaries, preachers or other friends from foreign countries to live with us for months at a time. She has challenged me study more, learn more and become more for our Lord. She is the smartest woman I know. As the Nascar praying preacher said, "thank you Lord for my smokin hott wife." Ha! There is no doubt in my mind that I have much to improve upon in my life. I fail often! But, I would hate to know where I would be without Julie Walker Carter as my wife. It is very true that there is one woman on this earth that could stand to be married to me and thank God, I got her.

We love to keep other people humored and one way we do that is by living our life in a glass house. Not literally! Part of being a pastor is understanding that from time to time people are going to pry, snoop or be just down right nosey. We don't let em...As in people don't have to do that with us. Sure, we have private family matters like all families but for the most part we live our life openly. We share our blessings with others as we have been taught by those who God has put in our lives. We have arguments and most of the time they are on Facebook or some other public domain. You might not think this is good but just let me say that if it's something serious be assured you won't see it public. Me and momma handle serious things in a serious way but want our friend and family to know we are normal folks. We have spats like my grandparents who have been married 50+ years and most of them are just as humorous, so we share them. We have been known to text each other while being in the same house or vehicle. Julie hates when I do it so if she gets on my nerves I make sure I text her while sitting next to her. Haha! 

I love my wife. When we got married I called her "momma." She hated it! She always said, "we don't have children so don't call me momma." Well, now we have 2 and I have the right to call her "momma." Speaking of the children, they have a wonderful mother who loves them and cares for them like none other. She is a godly example to them. She doesn't excuse the misbehavior and she always rewards them for the good. Somehow my wife found a way to be a child of God, wife, mother, teacher and graduate student. She keeps it all balanced and still loves our babies. I have often said that it is a great thing I married such a smart woman, because had I married someone with my brains we couldn't have helped our kiddos with their homework. Ha!

Anyway, In the midst of all we do in this rat race of life, Julie has found time to blog. So, I figured I would fire up the ol blog again too. This way we can share our life together on here as well as Facebook. This should be fun for all readers. Remember, when me and momma fuss back and forth it's not serious or we wouldn't be putting public. Follow her blog too at 

Wow! Thanks for reading all of this. Turned out to be more than I expected but I didn't even scratch the surface of how blessed I am to have Julie as my wife, Walker and Tatum as children or Calvary as my church.  

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